How great is it to observe animals up close!
Well done year 6, your behaviour was impeccable all day and you have been a credit to St Anne's!
Planning our trip to the zoo
On Friday we are going to Blackpool zoo. We are all very excited to see the animals close up!
We got out the laptops and found the internet explorer button. We googled Blackpool zoo and found the website. It showed us a map of the zoo and which animals were there.
We planned our…
Year 6's Lucy Hughes features in the Bolton News!
During national science week, keen scientist Lucy spent part of her half term learning how to perform emergency open heart surgery at the University of Bolton!
Bring your photos in Lucy and share you experience with us.
Manchester United Football Coaches
Last half term we were extremely lucky to have coaches from Manchester United teaching us ball skills. We had an amazing football tournament on the last session!
Our half term 'Heroes' Project
Mrs Clegg was completely 'wowed' by our homework efforts due in today. We all choose a civil rights leader, as that is our topic continuing on from the slavery unit. Year 6 presented some of their projects this morning and the rest will be tomorrow.
Year 6 spoke about their chosen 'hero'…
Curriculum Overview Autumn 2
Want to find out what we're learning this half term...
Curriculum overview Autumn 2
Find out about what we will be learning in the coming half term.
Nelson Mandela Artwork
We drew a portrait of Nelson Mandela. We used lots of different colours to paint our portrait. Here are some of of our paintings.
Then we drew his face on another page and we tried some collage. We used lots of different pieces of paper together to make a big picture. We all loved…
Busy Wednesday Afternoon!
This afternoon we have been super busy in Year 1L!
We have been talking about foods that are good for us and foods not so good, that we should have as treats.
We made a shopping list for Miss Law to pop to Tesco to get some tasty healthy food for the afternoon. Some suggestions were…
Taylor's dance Africa recount
On the 17th of October, Year Five were doing a performance led by Maisie. They introduced themselves by saying, their name and what they like. At the end of the performance they were told they would be showing this to the school and parents. At first, they practised a song that you respond to.…
Dance Africa by Guershom
On 17 of October, a girl from Leeds called Maisie, she came to our class to teach us how to do African dancing and singing.
Also, Maisie taught us some lines and told us a story about what happened in Africa. Maisie taught us a song
Later the morning, Maisie gave us some mask and costumes…