Pupil Premium funding

Pupil premium funding is to provide additional support to pupils entitled to/have been entitled to free school meals in the last 6 years, or pupils who are looked after by the Local Authority, so that their attainment can be maximised.
In making provision for Pupil Premium children, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged.  We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered for, or qualify for free school meals.  Therefore, we reserve the right to allocate the pupil premium funding to support  any pupil that the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
This funding is used to provide many support systems and interventions including:

  • Addressing and assessing learning needs; phonics, spelling, grammar and reading comprehension, maths or other curriculum areas taught in flexible ability groups.
  • Addressing and assessing educational need through specialist assessment and individualised pupil programmes (both for educational and behavioural purposes).  This provision includes on site speech and language therapy, which is funded by the school.
  • Addressing and assessing EAL needs, particularly for new arrivals to the country. 
  • Addressing and assessing social need: accessing support for families via school –based programmes, such as school uniform, breakfast and after school clubs and food bank vouchers.
  • Providing enrichment to encourage learning and set a context for it; trips and visits, visitors, sports, art and a practical and first hand daily experience.


Some of the barriers to learning that have been identified for some of our pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding are:

  • Access to speech and language skills
  • Gaps in mathematical learning
  • Gaps in literacy skills
  • Access to extra curricular activities including physical education and trips
  • Behaviour -pupils with specific social and emotional needs which affect their learning
  • Parent engagement- homework and supporting learning. 


Pupil Premium


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