Nelson Mandela Artwork

We drew a portrait of Nelson Mandela. We used lots of different colours to paint our portrait.  Here are some of of our paintings.



Then we drew his face on another page and we tried some collage. We used lots of different pieces of paper together to make a big picture. We all loved…

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Busy Wednesday Afternoon!

This afternoon we have been super busy in Year 1L!

We have been talking about foods that are good for us and foods not so good, that we should have as treats. 

We made a shopping list for Miss Law to pop to Tesco to get some tasty healthy food for the afternoon. Some suggestions were…

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Taylor's dance Africa recount

On the 17th of October, Year Five were doing a performance led by Maisie. They introduced themselves by saying, their name and what they like. At the end of the performance they were told they would be showing this to the school and parents. At first, they practised a song that you respond to.…

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Dance Africa by Guershom

On 17 of October, a girl from Leeds called Maisie, she came to our class to teach us how to do African dancing and singing.

Also, Maisie taught us some lines and told us a story about what happened in Africa. Maisie taught us a song

Later the morning, Maisie gave us some mask and costumes…

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My Dance Africa recount by Ellie

Year 5s African workshop

On the 17th of October year 5 had an African workshop. The woman who came to teach us was called Maisie and she came for one day, she was very energetic.

First we got into a circle and we introduced ourselves to Maisie. Then we practised facial expressions because…

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Human Pictogram

Image of Human Pictogram

In Year 2 we created a human Pictogram to show which game we enjoyed the most in Computing. This half term we have been 'game testers'and have tried to work out the algorithms for some Scutch games. 

Which game was most popular? 


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Did you know sugars dissolve at completely different rates? Year 6 investigate...

Image of Did you know sugars dissolve at completely different rates? Year 6 investigate...
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Do all solids dissolve?

Image of Do all solids dissolve?

In science today, we recapped the steps when designing a fair test. We then tested the following solids: coffee, curry powder, flour, sugar and sand, by stirring them into warm water. We decided that a solid has dissolved when it disappears into the solution. Tomorrow we are investigating: do all…

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Exercise keeps us fit and healthy!

Image of Exercise keeps us fit and healthy!

In science we have learning about the importance of exercise in order to keep healthy. We took part in lots of different activities such as star jumps, sit ups, dribbling the ball & skipping for two minutes. Then we discussed in our groups whether the activity strengthened our muscles, gave our…

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Out Tesco Visit

Image of Out Tesco Visit

We visited Tesco in Cheetham Hill as part of our science work on healthy eating. We had a fantastic time and were allowed to enter the back of the shop where usually only staff are allowed. There were lots of fun activities to take part in like making a hat, hunting for different coloured fruit…

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Wow! More drama going on in Year 6 to celebrate Black History Month.

Image of Wow! More drama going on in Year 6 to celebrate Black History Month.

The year 6 children excelled themselves today! 

To celebrate Black History Month and as part of our topic 'Slavery' we had a lady from a theatre company in to work on a drama performance. The children used their prior knowledge and learnt lots about the civil rights movement to depict important…

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And one more...

Image of And one more...
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