Welcome to the SEND page.

My name is Emma Delves and I am the SENDCo at St Anne’s RC Primary School.  You can contact me on 0161 740 5995 or via admin@st-annes-jun.manchester.sch.uk.

At St Anne’s we feel very lucky to work with a diverse range of children with SEND and our staff work hard to deliver the best education we can for them.  We recognise that each child has a unique gift or talent to offer and we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum to ensure that each child can achieve and flourish.


What is the school ethos/approach to SEN and Disability (SEND)?


Our main ethos around SEND is that:


“All teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs.”

Quote taken from SEND code of practice 2015.


We believe in “quality first teaching”, ensuring that all children have high quality, differentiated teaching to support them, whether they do or do not have SEND. 

At St Anne’s RC Primary School we meet regularly to review the quality of teaching for our children and to put into place intervention strategies for any children at risk of under achieving.  This means that, where appropriate, we may need to review strategies and improve teacher’s understanding of specific needs.  As part of this we may source Outreach from specialists.


What should I do if I think my child has a Special Educational Need or Disability?

If you are worried that your child may have a Special Educational need, the first person to talk to is your child’s class teacher. At St Anne’s RC primary school we pride ourselves on listening to our parents and really getting to know our children.  The class teacher will listen to your concerns and will refer to SENDCo if they feel it is necessary.  The class teacher will monitor the child and put targeted interventions in place for a 6 week period.  If there are still concerns regarding the child, the Plan, Do, Review process will begin which is stated in the SEND policy available here.

How will I know how my child is doing in school?

There are many opportunities for parents to get involved in school life and stay informed on how your children are doing. Twice a year we hold parent conference meetings this is a chance to meet one to one with your child’s class teacher. At the end of the year, a  report will be provided to let you know how your child has been getting on throughout the year. 

If you would like to speak to our SENDCo you can arrange this through your child’s class teacher or by asking for an appointment at the school office. It is really important to us that any concerns or worries are addressed promptly so please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0161 740 5995 or via the school admin address: admin@st-annes-jun.manchester.sch.uk.


What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

At St Anne’s RC Primary School we pride ourselves on looking after the whole child. We have dedicated staff in school focused on caring for children’s well-being. This includes:

A Caritas social worker, Nicol who takes time to speak to children one-to-one or on a small group basis to discuss any issues the children may have or unwanted feelings

Michelle Garside our family support worker, please see her page for further details.


How will I be involved in discussions about, planning for, and involvement in, my child’s education?

We ensure that parents/carers are involved at every stage of the SEND process and speak to them regularly about the needs, concerns and aspirations that their children have.  We contact parents regularly to update them on the SEND process and any progress that has been made to support your child.  Parents of children with SEND are invited to multi-agency meetings where necessary and their opinion, as well as that of the child, is of the utmost importance.


How do St Anne’s RC Primary School Primary School involve children and young people in their education and in the decision making process?

School council meet termly to discuss issues that the children feel are important for the whole school.

Peer marking and Kagan groupings are used so that children of different abilities work together in a supportive way.

Peer Mediators -  They have received two days training from CRESST.  These children are on the playground every lunch to promote friendship and support their peers and look at how everyone can make sure they get along together.

Please see school website for further information on how we involve our children in their education and making decisions.


Who, outside of school, can I turn to for advice and support?

At school we are always happy to help and listen but sometimes you may want impartial advice from outside of school. This might be about services available in the Local authority, transition to secondary school or other issues that may come up.

SEND Information, advice and support service network (SENDIASS) is a national organisation that has local knowledge about services available in this area as well as national laws and guidance.

You can contact the local branch on sendiass@manchester.gov.uk  or info@iasmanchester.org  or by Telephone: 0161 209 8356


Please see Michelle Garside’s page with links to organisations who can support with housing, food banks, cost of living, clothing and much more.


Where can I find information about Local Authority provision for children and young people with SEND?

Manchester Council has published a Local Offer. This details all the services available within the area to support a family or child with SEND. This includes health, social and care information as well as education and is a great place to go for information.

To access the local offer follow this link: www.manchester.gov.uk/sendlocaloffer

Please also see Michelle Garside’s page – Family Support Worker - on our website.


How do I get a copy of the school SEND policy?

A copy of the school SEND policy is available here. Alternatively, a copy of the SEND policy will be made available, on request, from the school office..


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