The Hive - St Anne's Resource Provision
Through liaising with the LA we have developed ‘The Hive’ as a Resourced Provision with the primary area of need being communication and interaction linked with social, emotional, mental health.
What is a Resourced Provision?
Most children in Manchester with special educational needs and/or disabilities, including those with Education, Health and Care Plans, will be supported in a mainstream school. A number of mainstream schools provide additional specialist facilities on their site called a Resourced Provision.
Resourced Provisions cater for pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans who require a specialist environment within a mainstream school to support their access to the curriculum and activities offered by the school.
Manchester currently has Resourced Provisions for pupils with Autism, Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs and Hearing Impairment. (information taken from Manchester LA website)
The Hive
Children who have a place in The Hive must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The EHCP will be for communication and interaction and/or SEMH. Some children within The Hive have a diagnosis of autism.
The Hive is staffed by a teacher, higher level teaching assistant and a teaching assistant who have all completed additional training to help understand the children's learning, social and speech and language needs.
Miss Yorke
Class Teacher
Mrs Hough
Teaching Assistant
Mrs Delves
Miss Doherty
Teaching Assistant
Children may also be supported by a Speech and Language Therapist, Occupational Therapist or Play Therapist. These external agencies may support the children if outlined in a child’s Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Children within The Hive are on the school roll and attend both mainstream and Resourced Provision lessons. All children will spend time with their mainstream class whether this is for lunch, break time, phonics, PE, Art, Maths etc. Some children will spend more time within their mainstream class, accessing other lessons and then will return to The Hive.
Aims and outcomes
All planning and provision is linked to outcomes outlined in the children’s EHCP. Our overall intent is for children to:
- Make progress in a happy, supportive and stimulating environment where they thrive academically and socially to the best of their individual ability
- receive the education and support required to meet the outcomes of their EHCP and to develop social, communication and independence skills
- feel included with their mainstream peers as often as appropriate to engage in the mainstream curriculum at an age-appropriate level
- have the opportunity for small group or individual support and intervention where required
- be included in the social and academic life of the school as much as possible, including clubs, trips and experiences.
Although here at St Anne’s we are responsible for the teaching and learning of the children who have a place, we do not control the admission of places to the provision. Mrs Delves our SENDCo will liaise with the LA through the EHCP consult process. Decisions are ultimately made by Manchester Local Authority which has a multi-agency panel to agree placements in the different provisions within Manchester. For further information, please contact the statutory assessment team.
Children within our school do not automatically get a place within the provision if they are on roll at St Anne’s, without going through the review process with the Local Authority.
Working in partnership
Our vision is to ensure the best possible outcomes for our children across education and health and social care based on their individual needs. We work in partnership with parents/ carers and keep them informed of their child’s progress. Communication with parents is regular – this may be conversations at drop off and pick up, meetings, phone calls home, communication book, workshops, meetings with professionals. We value parents as the first educators of their children and work hard to build relationships to ensure positive outcomes for the children. Staff liaise regularly with our school speech and language therapist Cat Lappin and our school occupational therapist Becky Cooper.
Example of a weekly timetable within the Hive.
Time |
Wednesday |
Friday |
8.35-8.45 |
Settling- Fine motor skills activity/ Handwriting |
Settling- Fine motor skills activity/ Handwriting |
Settling- Fine motor skills activity/ Handwriting |
Settling- Fine motor skills activity/ Handwriting |
Settling- Fine motor skills activity/ Handwriting |
8.45-9.00 |
Register Collective worship |
Register Collective worship |
Register Collective worship |
Register Collective worship |
Register Collective worship |
9.00-9.30 |
Phonics groups- 2 children at RWI group 1:1 phonics – 5 children Reading quiz- 1 child |
Phonics groups- 2 children at RWI group 1:1 phonics – 5 children Reading quiz- 1 child |
Phonics groups- 2 children at RWI group 1:1 phonics – 5 children Reading quiz- 1 child |
Phonics groups- 2 children at RWI group 1:1 phonics – 5 children Reading quiz- 1 child |
Phonics groups- 2 children at RWI group 1:1 phonics – 5 children Reading quiz- 1 child |
9.30-9.35 |
Movement break |
Movement break |
Movement break |
Movement break |
Movement break |
9.35-9.50 |
English |
English |
English |
English |
English |
9.50-10.05 |
Choosing |
Choosing |
Choosing |
Choosing |
Choosing |
10.05 – 10.15 |
Workstation |
Workstation |
Workstation |
Workstation |
Workstation |
10.15-10.20 |
Story time |
Story time |
Story time |
Story time |
Story time |
10.20-10.45 |
Snack time- Toast with speaking and learning focus |
Snack time- Toast with speaking and learning focus |
Snack time- Toast with speaking and learning focus |
Snack time- Toast with speaking and learning focus |
Snack time- Toast with speaking and learning focus |
10.45-11.00 |
Break time with their year group |
Break time with their year group |
Break time with their year group |
Break time with their year group |
Break time with their year group |
11.00-11.05 |
Calm activity- colour/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colour/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colour/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colour/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colour/ jigsaw |
11.05-11.20 |
Maths |
Maths |
Maths |
Maths |
Maths |
11.20-11.30 |
Choosing |
Choosing |
Choosing |
Choosing |
Choosing |
11.30-11.40 |
Workstation |
Workstation |
Workstation |
Workstation |
Workstation |
11.40- 11.55 |
Small groups- Maths game/ board games |
Small groups- Maths game/ board games |
Small groups- Maths game/ board games |
Small groups- Maths game/ board games |
Small groups- Maths game/ board games |
11.55-12.00 |
Wash hands for dinner |
Wash hands for dinner |
Wash hands for dinner |
Wash hands for dinner |
Wash hands for dinner |
12.00-12.45 |
Dinner time/ outdoor play with year group |
Dinner time/ outdoor play with year group |
Dinner time/ outdoor play with year group |
Dinner time/ outdoor play with year group |
Dinner time/ outdoor play with year group |
12.45-12.55 |
Calm activity- colouring/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colouring/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colouring/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colouring/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colouring/ jigsaw |
12.55-13.00 |
Tidy up/ carpet for lesson |
Tidy up/ carpet for lesson |
Tidy up/ carpet for lesson |
Tidy up/ carpet for lesson |
Tidy up/ carpet for lesson |
13.00-13.20 |
R.E. (PE with mainstream class) |
Geography/History (PE with mainstream class) |
Science (PE with mainstream class) |
R.E (PE with mainstream class) |
Art/D.T. (PE with mainstream class) |
13.20-13.35 |
Choosing |
Choosing |
Choosing |
Choosing |
Choosing |
13.35- 13.50 |
Workstation |
Workstation |
Workstation |
Workstation |
Workstation |
13.50-14.00 |
What’s in the box?/ Language for thinking |
What’s in the box?/ Language for thinking |
What’s in the box?/ Language for thinking |
What’s in the box?/ Language for thinking |
What’s in the box?/ Language for thinking |
14.00-14.15 |
Outdoor break- |
Outdoor break- |
Outdoor break- |
Outdoor break- |
Outdoor break- |
14.15-14.20 |
Calm activity- colouring/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colouring/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colouring/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colouring/ jigsaw |
Calm activity- colouring/ jigsaw |
14.20-14.45 |
PSHE- yellow zone |
Picture news |
Music assembly |
D.T. |
Celebration assembly |
14.45-15.00 |
Story time/ listening game/ memory game |
Story time/ listening game/ memory game |
Story time/ listening game/ memory game |
Story time/ listening game/ memory game |
Story time/ listening game/ memory game |
15.00-15.15 |
Getting ready for home time |
Getting ready for home time |
Getting ready for home time |
Getting ready for home time |
Getting ready for home time |